Joan Crooker / Visiting Lecturer of Marketing
Joan Crooker is a visiting lecturer in the R.J. Manning School of Business Marketing Group. Prior to joining UMass Lowell in 2008, Ms. Crooker worked for over 25 years in marketing services, technology and internet companies. She has held executive management and marketing positions with Fortune 500 companies including BBN, Prime Computer and Harte-Hanks, Inc. Prior to joining University of Massachusetts Lowell, Ms. Crooker taught marketing courses at Northeastern University and Lasell College (graduate level). Ms. Crooker is a native of New England and holds a BA, MS, and M.B.A. from Boston College.
ジョーン・クルッカー / マーケティング・客員教授 略歴: ボストン・カレッジにて経営学士・修士を取得。マーケティング関連、IT関連業界に計25年超の勤務経験を有し、BBNテクノロジーズ社、プライム・コンピュータ社、 ハート・ハンクス社等、フォーチュン誌500社ランキングに名を連ねる企業にて経営管理・マーケティングの幹部職を歴任。ノースイースタン大学、ラッセル大学での教職を経て、現在に至る。