Stuart C. Freedman / Professor of Management / Chair of the Department
Stuart C. Freedman specializes in Organizational Behavior, and is currently Chair of the Management department.
In addition to his service as Chair, Professor Freedman’s other administrative responsibilities have included M.B.A. Program Director, Undergraduate Program Director and, prior to its relocation, Acting Director of the University’s Small Business Development Center.
Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, Dr. Freedman was a faculty member at Brock University in St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada.His most recent work, published as a book chapter, addresses both conceptual and applied communication issues in online education.
He holds a Ph.D. from Cornell University.
スチュアート・フリードマン/経営学・教授 経営学科長
コーネル大学にて博士号取得。ブロック大(カナダ)での教職を経て、マサチューセッツ大学・中小企業開発センター副長、 学部教務主任、MBA教務主任を歴任し、現在に至る。組織行動論を中心に教鞭をとり、同分野の研究においても多数の論文を著す。近年ではオンライン学習に係るコミュニケーション論にも共著がある。